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标签:祝福自己生日英文句子(30句) 发表时间:2024/6/16 5:11:42 / 花城鲜花网 【花语】



Happy birthday! Bless yourself!


Happy birthday, I said to myself.


happy birthday to me. I said to myself!


No one to accompany me for my birthday, to come here to accompany me!


Today, remember. Happy birthday, I said to myself!


Pure things die too fast! Happy birthday to myself!


Really happy, there are 365 days is my birthday, looking back on the last birthday, as if today!


XX years ago today, lightning, rain and rain, yes, I went down to earth! Happy birthday to myself!


May I have wine and meat, have girls, be poor, laugh, and be able to fight, and live a peaceful and open-minded life! Happy birthday to myself!


My best wishes on my birthday. Wish my family health and safety!




Now, nineteen, quietly looking back on the past. Years of precipitation, actually there is a place to rely on. Happy birthday to myself!


Fifteen years old, with inexplicable sadness, a stubborn not to admit defeat, with the initial dream! Happy birthday to myself!


Happy 18th birthday and hope to grow old slowly. Thank you for every blessing and concern, thank you still accompany me!


The original wonderful fragrance is always around you, making your life full of happiness and joy, and bathing in endless happy years forever! Happy birthday to you!


Time will slowly precipitate, some people will be in your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own success! Happy birthday to myself!


Today's birthday wishes you, God of wealth cares for you every day, beautiful women chase you day after day, illness hides you all the time, happiness always accompanies you, everything follows you all the time!


Pick a cloud to make your delicious cake; pick a star to make your wish candlelight. Let you be surrounded by my wish for you: Happy Birthday to you!


There is no flower fragrance, no fruit fragrance; no candle bright, no song loud and clear. Only heart fragrance a petal, care for a, send you thick blessing: Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, try to be a lovely person. Do not blame who, do not laugh at who, do not envy who, brilliant in the sun, run in the wind and rain, do their own dream, go their own way!


Not a day do not miss you, today I miss you, miss you, miss you, wish you, happy birthday, happiness belongs to you, health and safety embrace you, friends, happy birthday!




Tom soon found the ink on the Pinyin textbook, so for a period of time, he had been unable to extricate himself, always thinking about his own affairs, and seemed depressed! Happy birthday to myself!


Quick look over: there is a heart following you, a pair of eyes are staring at you, there is a true feeling to accompany you, a waiting for you, and a friend is blessing you from afar: Happy Birthday!


I hide my heart of missing you in a quiet corner. After 24 hours and a second, I find that there are bright red roses on it. Every flower says: dear, I miss you! Happy birthday to myself!


Look at your sad face, my heart is like autumn leaves of loss and colic; want to face your sad eyes, say sorry; but I don't have the courage, let this thin message say to you on your birthday: forgive me for my careless injury!


Before I was 20 years old, I had been looking forward to the beautiful tomorrow again and again, and worried about the future ups and downs again and again. Now I have lost the imagination of the future, life is not we can say clearly, life is not we can decide! Happy birthday to myself!


The most beautiful thing about life is that, all the way along, all the way with your husband, may the days ahead be lucky. In the beautiful years in the future, you will not compromise or be lonely. Thank you for thinking and thinking about it. Hope you are safe and happy, have a little money, and your family and friends are healthy and happy! Happy birthday to myself!


My childhood exists in the bright sunshine: mother's tolerance, let nagging far away; teachers think I'm excellent, hide criticism in praise; have a group of enthusiastic friends, drive loneliness away, in a word, I always have a shadow like partner & mdash; & mdash; happy. Happy birthday to myself!


I had nothing 20 years ago, and I still have nothing 20 years later. In the past 20 years, what has been gained has been lost, what has been cherished has disappeared, and what has been happy has not been there. What has been left is only memories. Memories may be very beautiful, maybe really beautiful, but if I can, I would rather not recall myself, I'm sorry I can't! Happy birthday to myself!


Be grateful for the years and growth. Although the age and mind are still seriously inconsistent, but the world is so, I still need to be more tolerant to myself. Although this year is so difficult, I don't think it's very hard to endure. Maybe those exclusive hard times have slowly passed. After 30 +, slowly learn to live in peace with regret! Happy birthday to myself!


At the age of 18, the sun is rising, and the road is bright. The young people go to the midheaven of life with the morning glow and blood. At the age of 18, the rivers come and go. You pick up the scenery along the way with the blooming flowers of the four seasons. At the age of 18, the Qianlong dragon rises to the abyss and flies with scales and claws. You are dancing colorful youth like a dragon at sea! Happy birthday to myself!




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